15 Chapters
Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work
10th Edition
Author(s): Johns, Saks
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Sample Questions
  • When Jerome asked Larry about his new job, he was surprised to learn that Larry's co-workers have ...
  • Luke wants a job where he will be able to use many of his skills. What work design characteristic ...
  • The manager who tells an employee "I'll recommend you for a promotion if you implement the new ...
  • One of the objectives of job enrichment is to increase prosocial motivation.
  • The constructive expression of disagreement or concern about work unit or organizational policies is known as
  • What does the "knowing-doing gap" refer to and why does it happen?
  • What is diffusion? What factors affect the rate of diffusion in organizations?
  • Many managers know what to do, but have considerable trouble ________ this knowledge in the form of action.
  • Despite the need for organizations to change, develop, and innovate, they often exhibit considerable ________.
  • Less complex innovations are more likely to diffuse than more complex innovations.
  • You want your employees to feel comfortable in your office. Research suggests
  • Trust perceptions towards management are based on perceptions of ability, benevolence, and ________.
  • The contemporary view of the relationship between job satisfaction and performance suggests that
  • If an organization wants to prevent newcomers from experiencing a reality shock when they join the ...
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