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[1] An constant electric field, N/C, goes through a surface with area m2. (This surface can also be ...

[2] Four identical particles (mass of each = 0.40 kg) are placed at the vertices of a rectangle (2.0 m ...

[3] Exhibit 9-1Two birds of prey hurtling after the same mouse collide in mid-air and grab each other ...

[4] A 5.0-kg mass sits on the floor of an elevator that has a downward acceleration of 1.0 m/s2. On top ...

[5] In a contest, two tractors pull two identical blocks of stone the same distance over identical ...

[6] A 10-kg block on a horizontal frictionless surface is attached to a light spring (force constant = ...

[7] Exhibit 5-2 A 4.00 kg block is suspended from the roof of an elevator. A 2.00 kg block is suspended ...

[8] Assume an ideal diode has a series 10 k resistor and is forward-biased with a 20 V source. The ...

[9] When paralleling 2-bit full-adders, the carry-out of each stage is connected to the carry-in of the ...


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