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Author Question: In one of the Video Examples, a teacher describes what her school did to integrate students with ... (Read 15428 times) |
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One way to reduce acid reflux is to lose two or three pounds. Most people lose weight in the belly area first when they increase exercise, meaning that heartburn can be reduced quickly by this method.
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Pubic lice (crabs) are usually spread through sexual contact. You cannot catch them by using a public toilet.
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Illness; diuretics; laxative abuse; hot weather; exercise; sweating; caffeine; alcoholic beverages; starvation diets; inadequate carbohydrate consumption; and diets high in protein, salt, or fiber can cause people to become dehydrated.
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The ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen in water (H2O) is 2:1.
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The most common treatment options for addiction include psychotherapy, support groups, and individual counseling.