Question List for "Thinking Mathematically"

  Topics Views Last post
Grade 11 and 12 Mathematics » Use Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree for the weighted graph. Give the total ... New
Started by biggirl4568
642 Feb 2, 2020
Pre-calculus » Use Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree for the weighted graph. Give the total ... New
Started by craiczarry
829 Feb 2, 2020
Grade 11 and 12 Mathematics » Find a spanning tree for the connected graph. New
Started by jake
492 Feb 2, 2020
Pre-calculus » Answer true or false. A minimum spanning tree for a weighted graph is a spanning tree with the ... New
Started by
1,307 Feb 2, 2020
Grade 11 and 12 Mathematics » Answer true or false. A spanning tree contains one and only one circuit. New
Started by LaDunn
781 Feb 2, 2020
Grade 11 and 12 Mathematics » Use Fleury's algorithm to find an Euler circuit. New
Started by audie
293 Feb 2, 2020
Pre-calculus » Determine if the graph must have Hamilton circuits. If so, determine the number of such circuits. New
Started by EAugust
736 Feb 2, 2020
Pre-calculus » Answer the question. The layout of a city with land masses and bridges is shown. Use the graph to ... New
Started by colton
710 Feb 2, 2020
Pre-calculus » Use Euler's theorem to determine whether the graph has an Euler path (but not an Euler circuit), ... New
Started by Hungry!
703 Feb 2, 2020
Pre-calculus » Answer the question. True or false? In the graph of a tree, the number of vertices is one more than ... New
Started by APUS57
777 Feb 2, 2020