Hands-on Clinic > Technology

What is the shortest valid abbreviation of the IPv6 address 3000:bdea:0345:00cb:bd00:00ae:bd00:aecb?


dakota nelson:
Question 1What is the shortest valid abbreviation of the IPv6 address 2001:00cb:1562:0dc3:5400:0001:24a0:0014?
◦ 2001:cb:1562:dc3:54::1:24a0:14
◦ 2001:cb:1562:0dc3:5400::1:24a::14
◦ 2001:cb:1562:dc3:54:1:24a: 14
◦ 2001:cb:1562:dc3:5400:1:24a:14

Question 2What is the shortest valid abbreviation of the IPv6 address 3000:bdea:0345:00cb:bd00:00ae:bd00:aecb?
◦ 3000:bdea:345:cb:bd::ae:bd:aecb
◦ 3000:bdea:345:cb:bd::ae:bd00:aecb
◦ 3000:bdea: 345:cb:bd::ae:bd::aecb
◦ 3000:bdea:345::cb:bd::ae:bd::aecb

Answer 12001:cb:1562:dc3:54::1:24a0:14

Answer 23000:bdea:345:cb:bd::ae:bd00:aecb

Christopher E Guynes:
Thank you


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