Science Clinic > Computer Science

Is taking 6 classes ur freshman year in college good?


I got reading and writing, math, piano and vocal class, and computer science. 18 credit hours. Is this only for 1 semester or for the whole year? If its only for 1 semester can I take diff classes my 2nd sem?

Have you met with a college adviser? You need to. Especially since you don't even know you take different classes each semester.

What kind of student were you in HS? Did you take AP and honor level classes? Did you have a high GPA? Are you good at time management and organization? have good study skills?  

My daughter took 18 credits first semester freshman year and did just fine.

You'd be surprised how burnt out you can get once classes start picking up pace. I would recommend doing you general courses early but at a lighter load. I've taken a few math classes and I averaged over a 50 problems for homework. Writing for me was easy as I enjoy writing papers (I know, I'm weird) but I can see how it would become difficult for someone since you typically have a paper due each week. The computer science classes I took were easy, mostly in class work. Piano and vocal classes weren't in my major so I can't help you there.

All-in-all, I have about 2 hrs per week per class of outside work I have to do. If you have a part-time job on the side like me, life gets really stressful and you grades start to tank quickly. Most schools recommend Freshman to take a lighter course load their first semester to get a feel for how much work you have to put into each class. I support this

It really depends on how long your classes are. I am going to a university and I currently take 13.5 credits but my classes only last 11 weeks, which is considered full time. If your classes last longer then you should be fine. Yes, it will be a lot of work and possibly hard work.

Talk with your academic adviser.


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