Did you know?

Approximately one in three babies in the United States is now delivered by cesarean section. The number of cesarean sections in the United States has risen 46% since 1996.

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There are more nerve cells in one human brain than there are stars in the Milky Way.

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Elderly adults are living longer, and causes of death are shifting. At the same time, autopsy rates are at or near their lowest in history.

Did you know?

Though “Krazy Glue” or “Super Glue” has the ability to seal small wounds, it is not recommended for this purpose since it contains many substances that should not enter the body through the skin, and may be harmful.

Did you know?

For high blood pressure (hypertension), a new class of drug, called a vasopeptidase blocker (inhibitor), has been developed. It decreases blood pressure by simultaneously dilating the peripheral arteries and increasing the body's loss of salt.

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