Hands-on Clinic > Art

Identify the social and political reasons that Thomas Jefferson created and promoted Neoclassic ...


Question 1Explain how Monet's La Gare Saint-Lazare demonstrates the characteristics of Impressionism.

Question 2Identify the social and political reasons that Thomas Jefferson created and promoted Neoclassic architecture in the United States. Which types of buildings are Neoclassical?

Answer 1The ideal answer should include:
1. Monet's La Gare Saint-Lazare depicts trains in a railroad station, which corresponds to the focus on contemporary life in Impressionist painting.
2. Like other Impressionist works, Monet's painting was done from direct observation and focuses on the effects of light and color.
3. Rather than focusing on human figures, Monet's composition emphasizes the play of light amid the steam of the locomotives.
4. Monet's painting also recreates the form and color of the clouds as seen through the glass and cast-iron roof.

Answer 2The ideal answer should include:
1. Thomas Jefferson's designs for Monticello and the University of Virginia are in the Neoclassical style because Jefferson believed that buildings of the new American republic should evoke the Roman civic virtues of courage and patriotism.
2. Most U.S. government buildings are Neoclassical because the style embodies Classical ideals.

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