42 Chapters
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version
10th Edition
Author(s): Liang
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Sample Questions
  • Method A invokes method B, which in turn invokes function C. This is called ________.
  • In OOP, a reference variable can reference a subtype object. This is called ________.
  • After the following program is finished, how many bytes are written to the file t.dat?import ...
  • What is the output of the following code?import java.util.*;public class Test { public static void ...
  • The visibility of these modifiers increases in this order ________.
  • The statement System.out.printf("%5d", 123456) outputs ________.
  • In a B-tree of order 6, how many elements can the root have?
  • Analyze the following code.int x = 1;while (0 < x) && (x < 100) System.out.println(x++);
  • The order of the precedence (from high to low) of the operators binary +, *, &&, ||, & is ________.
  • To test whether an expression e is true, use ________.
  • Which of the following statements are correct?
  • You can use ________ to implement session tracking in servlets.
  • Analyze the following code:boolean even = ((231 % 2) == 0);if (even = true) System.out.println("It ...
  • ________ consists of a set of separate programs for developing and testing Java programs, each of ...
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