Did you know?

Many supplement containers do not even contain what their labels say. There are many documented reports of products containing much less, or more, that what is listed on their labels. They may also contain undisclosed prescription drugs and even contaminants.

Did you know?

Atropine was named after the Greek goddess Atropos, the oldest and ugliest of the three sisters known as the Fates, who controlled the destiny of men.

Did you know?

Famous people who died from poisoning or drug overdose include, Adolf Hitler, Socrates, Juan Ponce de Leon, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, and John Belushi.

Did you know?

The first oral chemotherapy drug for colon cancer was approved by FDA in 2001.

Did you know?

Pubic lice (crabs) are usually spread through sexual contact. You cannot catch them by using a public toilet.

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