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No drugs are available to relieve parathyroid disease. Parathyroid disease is caused by a parathyroid tumor, and it needs to be removed by surgery.

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For pediatric patients, intravenous fluids are the most commonly cited products involved in medication errors that are reported to the USP.

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About 60% of newborn infants in the United States are jaundiced; that is, they look yellow. Kernicterus is a form of brain damage caused by excessive jaundice. When babies begin to be affected by excessive jaundice and begin to have brain damage, they become excessively lethargic.

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In ancient Rome, many of the richer people in the population had lead-induced gout. The reason for this is unclear. Lead poisoning has also been linked to madness.

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Elderly adults are living longer, and causes of death are shifting. At the same time, autopsy rates are at or near their lowest in history.

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