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Decomposers (detritivores) feeding on dead plant and animal matter.

Decomposers (detritivores) feeding on dead plant and animal matter.
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Description: Many dead plants and animals are eaten by a variety of organisms. Here, pill bugs and fungi feed on dead wood and rotting plant material, while earthworms, nematodes, and bacteria decompose organic matter in the soil. Dead animals, or carrion, may be fed upon by blowfly larvae, carrion beetles, and other scavengers. These may, in turn, support a variety of predators, including centipedes or larger predators such as this raven, which will also feed on the animal carcass.
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Filesize: 188.31kB
Height: 1599 Width: 850
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=1479
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