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Gravitational Lensing of Extremely Distant Galaxies

Gravitational Lensing of Extremely Distant Galaxies
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Description: Gravitational Lensing of Extremely Distant Galaxies
(b) Three examples of gravitational lensing: (1) The blue ring is a
galaxy that has been lensed by the redder elliptical galaxy; (2) a
pair of bluish images of the same object lensed symmetrically by
the brighter, redder galaxy between them; and (3) the lensed
object appears as a blue arc under the gravitational influence of
the group of four galaxies.
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Views: 634
Filesize: 260.42kB
Height: 900 Width: 902
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=18741
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