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Grasslands form in the interior of continents between deserts and temperate forests

Soils are rich, with deep topsoil

Low-growing grasses and other nonwoody plants tolerate strong winds, sparse rain, and intervals of drought

Growth tends to be seasonal – grazers and periodic fires keep trees and most shrubs from taking hold

Temperate grasslands are warm in summer, cold in winter

Annual rainfall is 25 to 100 centimeters (10–40 inches), with rains throughout the year

Shortgrass and tallgrass prairies once dominated the North American plains

Farming destroyed extensive grass roots that held topsoil, causing the Dust Bowl

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Views: 42
Filesize: 211.53kB
Height: 615 Width: 1754
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=47282
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