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Major Vitamins List

Major Vitamins List
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Description: ns, and Effects of De iCienCIes or Excesses“ Vitamin Common Sources Fat-Soluble Vitamins A its precursor comes from betarcafoterie in yellow fruits, yellow or green leafy vegetables; also in fortified milk. egg yolk, fish, liver D inactive form made in skin. activated in liver, kidneys; in fatty fish, egg yolk, fortified milk products E Whole grains, dark green vegetables, vegetable oils K Gut bacteria make most of it; also in green leafy vegetables, cabbage Water-Soluble Vitamins i3. Whole grains, green leafy (thiamin) vegetables, legumes, lean meats. eggs 52 Whole grains, poultry, (riboflavini flShr egg white, milk 53 Green leafy vegetables, (niacini potatoes. peanuts, poultry. fish. pork, beef as Spinach, tomatoes. potatoes. meats Pantothenic in many foods tmeats, acid yeast. egg yolk especiallyi Folate Dark green vegetables, (folic acid) whole grains, yeast. lean meats: entefobacteila produce some folate 5.2 Poultry. fish. red meat, dairy foods (not butteri Biotin Legumes, egg yolk; colon bacteria produce some c Ffults and vegetables, (ascorbic especially citrus, berries, acidi cantaloupe, cabbage, broccoli. green pepper Main Functions Used in synthesis of visual pigments. bone. teeth: maintains epitheiia Promotes bone growth and mineralization; enhances calcium absorption Counters effects of free radicals; helps maintain cell membranes; blocks breakdown of vitamins A and c in gut Blood clotting; ATP formation via electron transport Connective tissue formation: folate utilization; coenzyme action Coenzyme action (FAD) Coenzyme action (NADt) Coenzyme in amino acid metabolism Coenzyme in glucose metabolism. fatty acid and steroid synthesis Coenzyme in nucleic acid and amino acid metabolism Coenzyme in nucleic acid metabolism Coenzyme in fat. glycogen formation and in amino acid metabolism Collagen synthesis; possibly inhibits effects of free radicals; structural role in bone. cartilage. and teeth; used in carbohydrate metabolism Dry, scaly skin; lowered resistance to infections; night blindness; permanent blindness Bone deformities (rickets) in children; bone softening in adults Lysis of red blood cells; nerve damage Abnormal blood clotting; severe bleeding (hemorrhaging) Water retention in tissues: tingling sensations; heart changes; poor coordination Skin lesions Contributes to pellagra (damage to skin. gut, nervous system, etc.i Skin, muscle, and nerve damage; anemia Fatigue; tingling in hands; headaches; nausea A type of anemia; inflamed tongue; diarrhea; impaired growth; mental disorders A type of anemia; impaired nerve function Scaly skin (dermatitisi; sore tongue; depression; anemia Scurvy; poor wound healing; impaired immunity ' Guidelines for appropriate daily intakes are being worked out by the Food and Drug Administration. Effects of Extreme Excess Maifonned fetuses; hair loss; changes in skin; liver and bone damage; bone pain Retarded growth; kidney damage; calcium deposits in soft tissues Muscle weakness; fatigue; headaches; nausea Anemia; liver damage and yaundice None reponed from food; possible shock reaction from repeated inyections None reponed Skin flushing; possible liver damage impaired coordination; numbness in feet None reponed; may cause dianhea occasionally Masks vitamin B12 deficiency None reported None reponed Diarrhea, other digestive upsets; may alter results of some diagnostic tests
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