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Sources and Actions of Vertebrate Hormones

Sources and Actions of Vertebrate Hormones
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Description: Table 34.3 S Source Thyroid Parathyroids Pancreatic islets Ad renal cortex Adrenal medulla Gonads Testes (in males) Ovaries (in females) Pineal gland Thymus Examples of Secretion(s) Thyroid hormone Calcitonin Parathyroid homione Insulin Glucagon Somatostatin Glucocorticoids (including cortisol) Mineralocorticoids (including aldosterone) Epinephrine (adrenaline) Norepinephrine Androgens (including testosterone) Estrogens Progesterone Melatonin Thymosms, thymulin ces and Actions of Vertebrate Hormones Discussed Main Target(s) Most cells Bone Bone, kidney Liver, muscle, adipose tissue Liver Insulinesecreting cells Most cells Kidney Liver, muscle, adipose tissue Smooth muscle of blood vessels General General Uterus, breasts Brain T lymphocytes Sections 34.7 to 34.12 Primary Actions Regulates metabolism; has roles in growth, development Lowers calcium level in blood Elevates calcium level in blood Promotes cell uptake of glucose; thus lowers glucose level in blood Promotes glycogen breakdown; raises glucose level in blood Inhibits secretion of insulin, glucagon, and some gut hormones Promote breakdown of glycogen, fats, and proteins as energy sources; thus help raise blood level of glucose Promote sodium reabsorption (sodium conservation); help control the body’s saltewater balance Raises blood level of sugar, fatty acids; increases heart rate and force of contraction Promotes constriction or dilation of certain blood vessels; thus affects distribution of blood volume to different body regions Required in sperm formation; development of genitals; maintenance of sexual traits; growth, development Required for egg maturation and release; preparation of uterine lining for pregnancy and its maintenance in pregnancy; genital development; maintenance of sexual traits; growth, development Prepares, maintains uterine lining for pregnancy; stimulates development of breast tissues Influences daily biorhythms, seasonal sexual activity Poorly understood regulatory effect on T lymphocytes
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