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Description: The hominin fossil record reveals potential human ancestors. The length of the bars represents the approximate temporal existence of the taxa. Blue represents taxa found only in Africa; grey represents taxa found in Africa and elsewhere or only outside AfricaThe hominin fossil record reveals potential human ancestors. The length of the bars represents the approximate temporal existence of the taxa. Blue represents taxa found only in Africa; grey represents taxa found in Africa and elsewhere or only outside Africa Millions of years ago Sahelanthropus tchadensis Orrorin tugenensis - Ardipithecus kadabba 5 Ardipithecus ramidus - _ _ AustralopIthecus (Au.) anamenSIs 4 Au. afarensis _ , Au. africanus 3 Paranthropus aethIopIcus . Au. garhI _ 2 - 1 Au. sediba R boisei Au. habilis P. robustus Chimpanzee H. floresiensis H-. ? Au. ? rudolfensis Homo erectus/ergaster H. heidelbergensis I Denisovans Ne andertals H. sapiens Picture Stats: Views: 62 Filesize: 266.54kB Height: 1356 Width: 2586 Source:;sa=view;id=48732 |