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Lifecycle in a tree

Lifecycle in a tree
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Description: Greens: multicelled sporophyte (2n)
Trunk: multicelled body (2n)
Greens: multicelled sporophyte (2n)
Trunk: multicelled body (2n)

mitosis multicelled zygote (2n) Sporophyte (2n) Diploid \ Fertilization 777777777 ‘ H an I 0 id gametes (n) spores (n) \ muiticelled / gametophyte (n) A Generaiized iife cycie for most piants. A sequoia tree is a sporophyte. m ito s is multicelled zygote (2n) body (2n) Diploid \ Fertilization 777777777 Haploid gametes (n) B Generaiized iife cycie for ahimais. The zygote is the first ceii to form when the nuciei of two gametes, such as a sperm and an egg, fuse at iertiiization.
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Filesize: 325.49kB
Height: 1035 Width: 748
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=48837
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