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Description: Now, some of you may be wondering why I would include such a delicious and wildly popular menu item…err fish, but I’m going to bet that nearly all of you have no idea how weird this fish really is.  Halibut is a flatfish, from the family of right-eye flounders, and that should give you a clue to my reason for including it.  A bottom feeder, the halibut starts life like any other fish, hatched from an egg and swimming with a vertical body structure.  Though what you might not expect is that this fish is a real life transformer.  When this fish reaches the ripe old age of six months, one of its eyes spontaneously migrates around to the other side of its head (so that both eyes are on one side) and it simply…lies down.  Spending its adult life laying on its side, halibut are farmed by housing them in underwater shelving units, literally stacking them on top of the other.  I bet you’ll never look at fish & chips the same way again.

Picture Stats:
Views: 727
Filesize: 246.15kB
Height: 280 Width: 300
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=6105
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