Author Question: The practice of psychiatric home care nursing has evolved due to: a. length of hospital stays b. ... (Read 12 times)


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The practice of psychiatric home care nursing has evolved due to:
  a. length of hospital stays
  b. nursing theories
  c. deinstitutionalizat ion
  d. increased mental illness

Question 2

During the orientation phase, the leader makes the group rules explicit so that:
  a. members can establish trust with one another
  b. fines can be levied as indicated or needed
  c. information can be kept confidential
  d. the leader's role is solidified and understood


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Answer to Question 1

Psychiatric home care nursing evolved as the length of hospitalizations decreased in favor of a more ambulatory model of client care. Due to economic considerations, diagnostic evaluations increasingly are occurring outside of the traditional hospital environment. Furthermore, clients are now being more rapidly released from the inpatient hospital setting back to their homes.

Answer to Question 2

The orientation phase is the time during the initial meetings of the group when the members establish trust with one another. During the orientation phase, the leader introduces the reason for bringing the individuals into the group. The goal of this phase is that the participants develop a sense of belonging to the group. This sense of belonging occurs over time and only when the participants get to know and trust each other. Group members feel a sense of cohesion and a sense of belonging once the orientation phase is complete.

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