Author Question: Does homeostasis exist in the environmental sense? Can ethanol help us? (Read 1307 times)


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Im in biology 100 and Im having trouble answering these questions for homework,

Does homeostasis exist in the environmental sense?

Can ethanol help us with maintaining environmental homeostasis? Why or why not?

Scientists know that corn is the most polluting crop we presently grow. It has the heaviest use of pesticides and herbicides which lead to greater air, land, and water pollution. So if we grow more corn for fuel, we will be polluting our environment in other ways. This is a problem. Are we trading one problem for another? What do you think we should do?


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It's a proven fact that our country would never be able to produce enough corn to make enough ethanol to use in the place of gasoline. The other problem is ethanol can only be used in certain vehicles. Most gas stations have gasoline with up to 10% ethanol which almost all cars can run on. But there is also E-85 that is 85% ethanol but you must have a flex fuel vehicle to use that. Ethanol also creates less energy per gallon than gasoline and in the US it cost more to make a gallon of ethanol than what its sold for. So ethanol will not help with maintaining environmental homeostasis.

P.S. try the library and check out bio diesel.

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