Answer to Question 1
1. Be sure nothing is placed in the child's mouth during a seizure.
2. During a seizure, the nurse remains with the child, watching for complications. The child's respiratory rate should be monitored.
3. Suction equipment already should be set up at the bedside before a seizure begins.
4. The child should not be restrained during a seizure.
Answer to Question 2
A To facilitate the position in which the parent's and infant's faces are approx-imately 8 inches apart on the same plane, allowing them to make eye contact, the nurse can place the infant at the proper height on the mother's body, dim the light so that the infant's eyes open, and delay putting ointment in the infant's eyes.
B To facilitate the position in which the parent's and infant's faces are approx-imately 8 inches apart on the same plane, allowing them to make eye contact, the nurse can place the infant at the proper height on the mother's body, dim the light so that the infant's eyes open, and delay putting ointment in the infant's eyes.
C To facilitate the position in which the parent's and infant's faces are approx-imately 8 inches apart on the same plane, allowing them to make eye contact, the nurse can place the infant at the proper height on the mother's body, dim the light so that the infant's eyes open, and delay putting ointment in the infant's eyes.
D To facilitate the position in which the parent's and infant's faces are approx-imately 8 inches apart on the same plane, allowing them to make eye contact, the nurse can place the infant at the proper height on the mother's body, dim the light so that the infant's eyes open, and delay putting ointment in the infant's eyes.