Answer to Question 1
1. The Doppler velocimetry test looks at blood flow through the umbilical artery. A normal result indicates there is no vasospasm decreasing blood flow to the placenta; therefore the baby is getting an adequate blood supply.
2. The non-stress test utilizes external fetal monitoring to assess the fetal heart rate in relationship to fetal movement. When accelerations in the fetal heart rate are associated with fetal movement (a reactive result), the fetus is well oxygenated, and the placenta is functioning well.
3. A contraction stress test creates mild contractions. The presence of decelerations is termed a positive result, and indicates a lack of adequate placental functioning.
4. The biophysical profile score should be 8 (with adequate amniotic fluid) or 10. A score of 6 is abnormal, and indicates that further assessment is needed.
Answer to Question 2
1, 2, 3
1. Women sometimes become infertile because of scarring in the fallopian tubes as a result of the inflammation of PID.
2. Antibiotic therapy should always be completed when a client is diagnosed with any infection.
3. The tubal scarring that occurs from tubal inflammation during PID can prevent a fertilized ovum from passing through the tube into the uterus, causing an ectopic or tubal pregnancy.
4. PID is caused by bacteria, most commonly Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Yeast infections do not ascend and become upper reproductive tract infections.
5. An intrauterine device (IUD) in place increases the risk of developing PID; a client who has a history of PID is not a good candidate for an IUD.