Answer to Question 1
Answer: 1
Explanation: 1. The focus of nursing care in this situation is the client and the behavior is role modeling. Delivery-oriented nursing involves the operation or the health care delivery system, and role model is a better description of this behavior than educator. The focus of nursing care is the client but this is not a referral resource. Population-oriented care involves promotion, maintenance, and restoration of the population. The behavior that the nurse is demonstrating is not collaboration.
Answer to Question 2
Answer: 3
Explanation: 3. The competencies address eight domains of practice: (a) analytic assessment, (b) policy development and program planning, (c) communication, (d) cultural competence, (e) community dimensions of practice, (f) basic public health science, (g) financial planning and management, and (h) leadership and systems thinking. The competencies were intended to reflect the practice of experienced community health nurses at both generalist and specialist levels, not novices, and expectations ranged from awareness through knowledge to proficiency on any given item. The competencies were revised to address three tiers of practice. Tier 1 competencies are skills to be possessed by public health nurses who engaged in day-to-day care in official state and local public health agencies. Tier 2 competencies address the practice of program managers or supervisors. Tier 3 competencies are intended for public health nurses in senior management and leadership positions with responsibility for major programs and strategy development. Any particular population health nursing position may incorporate components from some or all domains.