Answer to Question 1
Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include:
1. Identify the historical events that contributed to the upholding of a male-dominated power-structure.
2. Recall the fundamental breakthroughs women have made in becoming integrated into that power-structure, events such as the election of female government leaders, the integration of women into militaries, the founding of the Women's Peace Party, the mandating of greater inclusion of women and attention to gender in UN peacekeeping and reconstruction, etc.
3. Explain how these breakthroughs have come about, and how the future might bode well or negatively for gender equality among the global political power structure.
4. Discuss feminist scholarship; difference, liberal, and postmodern feminism; difference and autonomy; suffrage; gender gap, and other terms key to feminism to assist analysis.
5. Offer a concise summary and effective conclusion.
Answer to Question 2
Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include:
1. Outline what peace studies and feminism are.
2. Compare and contrast the two concepts and how each affects study of the international system. If possible, students should cite examples, for instance, of the role of arbitration and world government, on the one hand, and the gender gap and women in the military, on the other hand, to illustrate their explanations.
3. Explain how obstacles to these two concepts have been overcome. Students should touch on the particular examples such as the successful use of arbitration in war in Yugoslavia, and the integration of women into the world's militaries.
4. Offer a concise summary and effective conclusion.