13 Chapters
The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography
12th Edition
Author(s): Rubenstein
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Sample Questions
  • Define globalization in terms of "scale" and describe the forces that contribute to globalization; ...
  • Eastern North America became the continent's manufacturing center in part because it had access to ...
  • Syracuse, New York, was once known as "The Salt City" because of the salt brines from a lake nearby; ...
  • To whom might globalization represent a threat in your community or elsewhere in the world and ...
  • India's 22 so-called scheduled languages are representative of India's
  • The Green Revolution is first associated with which "miracle" seed?
  • Which of the following is NOT a strategy for increasing food supply?
  • The line which demarcates the pronunciation of "about" and "a-boot" is called an
  • If you were the leader of an impoverished country, would you opt for more sustainable farming ...
  • The number of males per 100 females in the population is called
  • Using the above map, which of the following is a small British colony in the Pacific Ocean?
  • Mixing crops and livestock allows farmers to
  • Using the above map, which of the following statements is NOT true?
  • Which of the following is the best example of a state government attempting to limit migration?
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