Search results for: interaction and communication with families

Pages: 1 2

......  to Question 1  Hampton and Wellman suggest that in the past, community was  ............  that people shared a common neighborhood, visited with and interacted with each other, shared  ............  and events, and maintained enduring bonds in  ............ . Modernism and technology is changing the context of community  ............  removing the spatial context, and replacing it with other mechanisms for  ............  in particular, the telephone and the internet,. Is this working? Hampton and  ............  that the internet was being used effectively for interaction with friends and family who lived more than 50  ............  apart, and that a form of community was being maintained on  ............  nation-wide network of friends and family. It is a community that is less physical  ............  there is less face-to-face contact, but emotional and affective bonds are being maintained regardless  ............ . This is one, among other forms that people and families adjust to change in their culture and  ............ . Will the new forms of communication (such as the internet) be adequate and sufficient  ............  maintain bonding and a sense of belongingness as our society evolves  ............  more modern forms? At least people are finding and using some mechanisms to adjust to technological  ......
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