A Textbook of Baking and Pastry Fundamentals
4th Edition
Author(s): Labensky, Martel, Van Damme
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Sample Questions
  • How would you avoid having discolored or bitter tasting biscuits?
  • Which of the following garnishes would NOT be appropriate on a plated dessert prepared in a kitchen ...
  • Which of the following sauce would NOT be used to decorate a dessert plate?
  • Filled chocolates, bon bons and molded chocolates should be stored away from direct heat in a cool dark place.
  • Which of the following techniques is NOT recommended when preparing a plated dessert?
  • Dessert plates should be ________ with a(n) ________ before they are served to the customer.
  • When chocolate is properly tempered, it should break with a(n) ________ and be ________ to bite.
  • Which of the following definitions is incorrect?
  • Proofing enriched dough above ________F can melt the butter and damage the dough.
  • Which of the following is a type of sugar alcohol used in sugar work because it holds up well under ...
  • When making rich doughs such as Danish, brioche, or challah, what form of butter should be ...
  • What are the ingredients of nougatine?
  • Which type of chocolate does NOT need to be tempered?
  • Which of the following cake batters are NOT traditionally used for making layered tortes?
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