30 Chapters
Lewin's GENES
12th Edition
Author(s): Krebs, Goldstein, Kilpatrick
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Sample Questions
  • True or False? In plants, RNA silencing is triggered by viral infection in one cell and can spread ...
  • True or False? Sections of heterochromatin can be transcribed, and the transcripts can repress ...
  • One way piRNAs are different from miRNAs is that piRNAs:
  • True or False? Promoters and enhancers act as binding sites for regulatory proteins but are not ...
  • In RNAi, the miRNAs provided by RISC usually bind to:
  • True or False? The mammalian X chromosome consists of constitutive heterochromatin.
  • True or False? Both proteins and RNAs can be regulatory molecules.
  • Which of the following statements is true?
  • E. coli cells have CRISPRs for the purpose of:
  • True or False? A heterozygote carrying an allele for albinism and an inherited wild-type allele that ...
  • If the expression of Gene A is controlled by an antisense RNA:
  • What would be the likely effect of deletion of the mammalian Xic region?
  • What would be the likely effect of translocating the mammalian Xic region to an autosome?
  • A common feature among riboswitches is that:
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