13 Chapters
Essential Economics for Business
5th Edition
Author(s): Sloman, Jones
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Sample Questions
  • If the total expenditure of the UK public sector is 650bn and revenues to the UK public sector are ...
  • The price of cough medicine increases by 5% and quantity demanded remains unchanged. The demand for ...
  • Assume that a firm already owns a machine that has a total life of 20 years. The cost of using the ...
  • Transfer pricing may be a problem for host countries as
  • In London there is a large number of retail clothing stores. Each store is slightly different from ...
  • Explain why a positive externality is likely to be associated with the purchase of smoke detectors. ...
  • If a computer games addict became unemployed and decided not to buy as many computer games, ...
  • Business strategy describes the way in which an organisation addresses its fundamental challenges ...
  • The opportunity cost to a firm of using inputs it already owns is zero.
  • Macroeconomics is concerned with
  • Exchange rate movements will reinforce monetary policy but will dampen fiscal policy.
  • In the standard industrial classification (2007), F represents fishery and forestry.
  • Which one of the following demands for road space is NOT a derived demand?
  • Which of the following represents equilibrium in the circular from of income?
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