17 Chapters
Excursions in Modern Mathematics
9th Edition
Author(s): Tannenbaum
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Sample Questions
  • A father wishes to distribute 16 pieces of candy among his 3 children (Abe, Betty, and Cindy) based ...
  • Four partners (Alonzo, Brenda, Camille, and Donald) are dividing a parcel of land valued at $240,000 ...
  • Four partners (Alonzo, Brenda, Camille, and Donald) are dividing a parcel of land valued at $240,000 ...
  • If an object has a 240 clockwise rotation as one of its symmetries, then it must also have as a symmetry
  • A traveling salesman's territory consists of the 5 cities shown on the following mileage chart. The ...
  • Jackie decided to save for retirement and wants to have $575,000 in her retirement savings account ...
  • A pitching machine throws 70% strikes and 30% balls. Five pitches will be thrown by the machine.What ...
  • In the following question(s), FN represents the Nth Fibonacci number.If F1000 = a and F1001 = b, then F1002 =
  • A football player kicks two consecutive field goals from approximately the same distance. Each field ...
  • The circular ring has an inner radius of 3 and outer radius of 6.A gnomon to the circular ring shown is
  • A traveling saleswoman's territory consists of the 6 cities shown on the following mileage chart. ...
  • Find the value of x so that the U-shaped region is a gnomon to the white rectangle.
  • Find the APR of a bond that doubles its value in eight years. Round your answer to the nearest ...
  • Tasmanian automobile licence plates consist of three capital letters (A through Z) followed by three ...
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