Personal Finance
6th Edition
Author(s): Madura
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Sample Questions
  • A ________ is a check that is written on behalf of a person for a fixed amount that is paid in advance.
  • Amanda has cash of $100, a car worth $5,000, and books worth $200. Her liabilities include a car ...
  • Mary Kay has a child who will start college in 10 years. She plans to set aside $2,400 per year for ...
  • You have $3,000 that you may need any day to replace the furnace in your house. Which of the ...
  • Which of the following is an example of an opportunity cost?
  • Which item is not one of the components of a personal financial plan?
  • Financial statements include all of the following excepta(n)
  • As you prepare your financial plan and revise it from year to year, it would be prudent to plan for ...
  • Which of the following will increase your debt?
  • If you have a salary of $30,000, an IRA deduction of $2,000, a standard deduction of $6,300, and a ...
  • A legal document specifying distribution of your assets upon death is a
  • Which of the following securities is likely to have the most credit risk?
  • Which of the following is not a way that insurance is designed to protect your wealth?
  • Using the Time Value of Money charts provided, answer the following question. (Note to Instructors: ...
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