Medical Terminology: A Living Language
6th Edition
Author(s): Fremgen, Frucht
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Sample Questions
  • What portion of a Medical Record contains reports from various treatments and therapies? A) ...
  • Which medical term means pertaining to the third section of the small intestine? A) duodenal B) ...
  • Which of the following is not considered an "activity of daily living"?
  • Terms ending in -um are pluralized by simply adding an -s to the end of the term. Indicate ...
  • The combining form cardi/o means heart.
  • Which of the following is not a grinding tooth? A) molars B) cuspids C) premolars D) ...
  • Gait refers to a person's manner of walking.
  • The suffix that means puncture to withdraw fluid is ____________________. Fill in the blank(s) ...
  • Which type of fracture occurs because the bone is diseased or weakened? a. stress fracture b. ...
  • Which of the following diagnostic procedures can be used to measure the levels of hormones in the ...
  • Which medication causes the pupil to constrict? A) antiemetic B) miotic C) emulsifier D) ...
  • Which abbreviation means "by mouth"?
  • Which of the following statements is true regarding pulmonary circulation? A) It carries ...
  • Perimetrioitis is spelled correctly. Indicate whether the statement is true or ...
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