Author Question: Labor and Birth (Read 622 times)

Damian Efetobore

  • Guest
on: Apr 21, 2023
A client presents to labor delivery and nursing assessment reveals the following: contractions every 15 minutes
and lasting 30 seconds cervical exam: 2 centimeters dilated, 10% effaced, and -3 station. How should the nurse
document these findings?
a. Active phase
b. second phase
c. transition phase
d. Latent phase


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GI conditions that will keep you out of the U.S. armed services include ulcers, varices, fistulas, esophagitis, gastritis, congenital abnormalities, inflammatory bowel disease, enteritis, colitis, proctitis, duodenal diverticula, malabsorption syndromes, hepatitis, cirrhosis, cysts, abscesses, pancreatitis, polyps, certain hemorrhoids, splenomegaly, hernias, recent abdominal surgery, GI bypass or stomach stapling, and artificial GI openings.

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