15 Chapters
Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching
6th Edition
Author(s): Roblyer, Doering
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Sample Questions
  • Providing a talking word processor to a blind student would be an example of this.
  • What is a typical classroom application for instructional games?
  • Which one of these learning theorists offered principles that could help inform constructivist ...
  • Discus the technology resources and strategies available to teachers of students with sensory impairments.
  • Teachers can look online for the website of his program, which has long been a way to meet the needs ...
  • Students can use these monitoring devices to determine their percent of body fat.
  • What is the historical name for technology used with individuals who have disabilities?
  • Students who are unable to write by hand, who have illegible handwriting, or who find handwriting ...
  • These computer programs help students assess and enhance their personal health by determining life ...
  • If a music teacher wants to start a program on rock, hip hop, or other pop genres, that teacher must ...
  • During the past decade, the piano lab has given way to this, where students can develop much more ...
  • Which of the following statements helps explain the link between technology and childhood obesity?
  • A combination of technologies can help enable "Pyryt's Five P's" approach to instruction for ...
  • According to Mears and Hansen (2009), this is defined as "video games that provide physical activity ...
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