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Inadequate Airway, Breathing and Circulation in the Trauma Patient (Part 3)

Inadequate Airway, Breathing and Circulation in the Trauma Patient (Part 3)
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Description: BOX 34—1 Inadequate Airway, Breathing and Circulation in theTrauma Patient: Manifestations and Immediate Interventions (Cont) Circulation l Signs and symptoms: 0 Pulse, blood pressure outside of normal parameters; weak/ absent peripheral pulses; poor capillary refill 0 Bleeding - Skin: pale coloring, cool temperature I Potential immediate interventions: ' Control bleeding . Treat for shock 0 Perform CPR if cardiac arrest develops Data from Limmer & O’Keefe (2012)
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=45284
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