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Difference between the house and the senate

Difference between the house and the senate
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Description: TABLE 6.1 Differences Between the House and the Senate Constitutional Term length 2 years 6 years Minimum age 25 30 Citizenship required 7 years 9 years Residency In state In state Apportionment Changes with population Fixed; entire state Impeachment Impeaches official Tries the impeached official Treaty-making power No authority 2/3 approval Presidential appointments No authority Majority approval Organizational Size 435 members 100 members Number of standing 20 16 committees Total committee Approx. 6 Approx. 11 assignments per member Rules committee Yes No Limits on floor debate Yes No (filibuster possible) Electoral, 2018 Average incumbent raised $1,814,000 $15,357,000 Average challenger raised $904,000 $4,963,000 Most expensive campaign $20,629,000 $93,853,000 (candidate expenditures) Incumbency advantage 91% (93.0% is the 58-year average) 84% (81.5% is the 58-year average) Sources: Roger H. Davidson, Walter J. Oleszek and Frances E. Lee, Congress and Its Members, 13th ed. (Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2008), 44, 187; Federal Election Commission data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, 2018, https://www.0pensecrets.org/overview/indexphp.
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