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Micrographs and drawings of three types of simple epithelia, with examples of their functions and lo

Micrographs and drawings of three types of simple epithelia, with examples of their functions and lo
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Description: Micrographs and drawings of three types of simple epithelia, with examples of their functions and locations.

Micrographs and drawings of three types of simple epithelia, with examples of their functions and locations.

Simple squamous epithelium - Lines blood vessels, the heart, and air sacs of lungs 0 Allows substances to cross by diffusion Simple cuboidal epithelium 0 Lines kidney tubules, ducts of some glands, reproductive tract 0 Functions in absorption and secretion, movement of materials Simple columnar epithelium 0 Lines some airways, parts of the gut 0 Functions in absorption and secretion, protection
Picture Stats:
Views: 152
Filesize: 372.07kB
Height: 1013 Width: 876
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=47742
Keywords: Simple Squamous Epithelium, Simple Cuboidal Epithelium, Simple Columnar Epithelium 
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