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Turgid, plasmolyzed, and flaccid plant cells.

Turgid, plasmolyzed, and flaccid plant cells.
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Description: (a) When the concentration of solutes inside a cell is higher than that outside (the cell is surrounded by a hypotonic solution), more water will enter the cell than will leave it. As a result, a plant cell will become swollen or turgid. (b) When the concentration of solutes outside a cell is greater than within it (the cell is surrounded by a hypertonic solution), more water will leave the cell than will enter it. As a result, a plant cell will become plasmolyzed. (c) When the concentration of solutes is the same outside and inside a plant cell (the cell is bathed in an isotonic solution), it will be flaccid.
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Views: 48530
Filesize: 165.55kB
Height: 1330 Width: 850
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=1017
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