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Human Biology
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Description: Learning the basics of human biology can be a complicated process. However, although difficult, biology genetics are considered to be a very interesting field to research, because of the nature of the work. Human biology is known as the scientific study of the body itself: how it works and what its made of. Unlike many other areas of biology which combines several areas into one, human biology concentrates specifically on people.

• The systems of the human body is considered to be part if its structure. Studying human biology is based on studying the bodily structure of a person. The building block of a living organism is called a cell. Cells combine to form larger structures called tissue. When learning about human biology, an individual may be required to do research with a microscope to look at these cells and tissues. A microscope is considered to be the most important tool to use when learning about human biology and biology genetics.

• One of the first things that an individual learns about human biology is that there are ten systems within the human body. These are the skeletal system, the excretory system, the reproductive system, the muscular system, the digestive system, the nervous system, the respiratory system, the immune system, and the endocrine system. A human being needs all those systems to be working in order to live, with the exception of the reproductive system. Human biology is often studied to learn about the causes, effects, and possible treatments of different diseases. Diseases will attack one of these systems when they begin to form. Some effects of a disease will be minor and others serious: this depends on the placement and the strength of the disease.

• Human biology concentrates on how the bodies’ cells, tissues, organs, and systems work together to form a human body. In biology, genetics is the type of study that covers the heredity and evolution of all life forms. Genetics is a cornerstone of human biology knowledge and study. Scientists have discovered that humans mostly all have the similar characteristics of things like eyes, a mouth and a nose. But in biology, genetics control how individuals look and live. Human biology relies particularly heavily on genetics since a humans genes determine peoples’ differences like eye color and hair color.

When studying biology, genetics and human biology is two complicated yet important subjects. Understanding how the different systems within the human body reacts with each other is an important part of understanding any basic knowledge of human biology.
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=10466
Keywords: biology human anatamoy physiology 
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