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Genetic engineering as an application for cures

Genetic engineering as an application for cures
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Description: Researchers have found at least some genetic component for many diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Autism. Although genetics may not be the only cause in such diseases, scientists have begun examining practical applications for genetic engineering. If scientist can find a link between genetics and a particular disease, they can also isolate those genes and perform more effective studies. By studying disease in this way, researchers have begun to understand the possibility of breeding out some diseases. While it is a very real possibility, some people feel that this is unethical. For example, if we only have babies with fair skin and hair, we have now created a race that is more prone to skin cancer. If we were to eliminate the genes that cause skin cancer, we may only be left with babies that will get cataracts. At what point does genetic engineering cause more harm than good? These are just some of the many ethical questions associated with genetic engineering.

As with all fields of research, Genetic engineering can provide humans with cures and a natural ability to fight viruses. While it is true that we can be born with these natural immunities, we must ask ourselves if it is right to control such a thing. When genes are found to produce certain cancers, will people choose to not have babies with those genes? If genetic research were to find the genius gene, would people only give birth to smart babies? At that point, what would we measure genius against? If humans avoid giving birth to children with autism, we may miss out on an amazing artist or musician, a person whose creativity would never be appreciated.

While the ethical questions involved in genetic engineering deserve attention, it is also important to explore that practical applications associated with the study of genetics. While genetic engineering can be used to produce a blond, blue eyed, baby girl; it can also be used to produce a child with a natural immunity to viruses that are know to cause disease later in life. Genetics are the human blueprint and scientists can tell a lot about the future of a human being, by simply looking at certain genes. Researchers can even eliminate or alter genes that cause breast cancer, lung cancer and even psychiatric disorders.

The ethical questions in genetic research may be less valuable to focus on than the practical applications of the study of genetics. There is an endless possibility of cures that can be found through genetic research. Researchers can eradicate dangerous and deadly diseases, and they can find cures for those that still exist. Scientists would even be able to tell people to alter their life style because of a particular gene they carry, thereby extending that person healthy life. Genetic engineering has the very real possibility of improving health and extending lifespan worldwide. If researchers can not alter our environment or life styles, they can at least provide us with a more healthy start in life. The rest is up to us.
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=10484
Keywords: Genetic engineering as an application for cures 
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