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Cellular Reprogramming

Cellular Reprogramming
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Description: Cellular reprogramming describes the process where a fully differentiated, specialized cell type is induced to transform into a different cell type that they would not otherwise become under normal physiological conditions.  Cellular reprogramming has been achieved using a variety of methods, including somatic cell nuclear transfer, cell-cell fusion and, most recently, through the introduction of four transcription factors.  Most scientists have focused on reprogramming somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells, but recently some researchers have begun to focus on reprogramming somatic cells into multipotent stem cells, which have a more restricted developmental potential and are closer to the cell population the researcher ultimately wants to engineer.
Picture Stats:
Views: 954
Filesize: 155.02kB
Height: 315 Width: 610
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=11571
Keywords: Cellular Reprogramming 
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