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The dance language of bees

The dance language of bees
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Description: The dance language of bees. The round dance (top) is performed only when the nectar source is close at hand and stimulates other workers to search the general area of the hive. The tail-wagging dance for distant nectar sources indicates to other workers where to fly and how far to fly in relation to the sun's position. The figure 8 (center) is traced at approximately a 120 degree angle to the sun; the abdomen is wagged rapidly, indicating a relatively close location. The figure 8 (bottom) is traced at a 60 degree angle; the abdomen is wagged slowly, indicating a more distant location
Picture Stats:
Views: 756
Filesize: 242.97kB
Height: 931 Width: 500
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=12673
Keywords: The dance language of bees 
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