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Mastering Bio Ch 15 & 16: 3C

Mastering Bio Ch 15 & 16: 3C
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Description: Part 3C - Building a linkage map
Suppose that you perform the cross discussed in Part B: MmDdPp x mmddpp. You plant 1000 tomato seeds resulting from the cross, and get the following results:

Use the data to complete the linkage map below.
Drag the labels onto the chromosome diagram to identify the locations of and distances between the genes. Use the blue labels and blue targets for the genes; use the white labels and white targets for the distances. Gene m has already been placed on the linkage map.
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Views: 30647
Filesize: 79.83kB
Height: 535 Width: 1087
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=15711
Keywords: Mastering Biology 15 16 
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