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Monosaccharide structure

Monosaccharide structure
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Description: (a) A comparison of the linear and ring structures of glucose. In solution, such as the fluids of organisms, nearly all glucose is in the ring form. (b) Isomers of glucose. Glucose exists as stereoisomers designated ?- and ?-glucose, which differ in the position of the ?OH group attached to carbon atom number 1. Glucose and galactose differ in the position of the ?OH group attached to carbon atom number 4. Enantiomers of glucose, called D-glucose and L-glucose, are mirror images of each other. D-glucose is the form that is used by living cells. Note: The letters D and L are derived from dextrorotatory (rotating to the right) and levorotatory (rotating to the left).
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Views: 2335
Filesize: 70.56kB
Height: 619 Width: 850
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=160
Keywords: Monosaccharide structure 
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