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A Map of Venus

A Map of Venus
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Description: This false-color radar map of Venus, analogous to
a topographic map of Earth, shows the
large-scale surface features of the planet.
The equator extends horizontally
across the middle of the map. Color
indicates elevation—red for highest, followed
by orange, yellow, green, and
blue for lowest. The planet’s highest
mountain is Maxwell Montes on Ishtar
Terra. Scorpion-shaped Aphrodite Terra,
a continent-like highland, contains several
spectacular volcanoes. Do not confuse
the blue and green for oceans and
Picture Stats:
Views: 1226
Filesize: 518.21kB
Height: 738 Width: 1350
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=16027
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