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Layers of Rock Laid Down by Water

Layers of Rock Laid Down by Water
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Description: a) This close-up image taken by the rover
Opportunity shows a small section of rock layers in
a location, called The Dells. The angled and curved layering
seen here is created only on Earth by water flow, strongly suggesting
that this sediment was also deposited by water. The
nearly spherical rocks, called “blueberries,” because they are
dark, have been chemically identified as hematite, an iron-rich
mineral that is usually formed in water. The rovers have found
blueberries strewn in a wide variety of locations.
Picture Stats:
Views: 864
Filesize: 552.42kB
Height: 900 Width: 1152
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=16088
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