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Relationship between body size and seed size in Galapagos finch species

Relationship between body size and seed size in Galapagos finch species
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Description: Among the most well studied are the Galapagos finches. Because the kinds of food used by birds is largely reflected by the form of their beaks, Peter Grant (1986) and his colleagues were able to represent the feeding niches of Galapagos finches by measuring their beak morphology. For instance, differences in beak size among small, medium, and large ground finches translate directly into differences in diet. The large ground finch, Geospiza magnirostris, eats larger seeds; the medium ground finch, G. fortis, eats medium-sized seeds; while the small ground finch, G. fuliginosa, eats small seeds
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=1823
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