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Spicules and Supergranules

Spicules and Supergranules
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Description: Spicules and Supergranules
 Spicules appear in this photograph of the Sun’s chromosphere. The Sun appears rose-colored in this image because the photo
was taken through an Hα filter that passes red light from hydrogen and effectively blocks most of the photosphere’s light. Surrounded
by spicules, supergranules are regions of rising and falling gas in the chromosphere. Each supergranule spans hundreds of granules
in the photosphere below. Inset: A view of spicules from above.
Picture Stats:
Views: 752
Filesize: 326.95kB
Height: 900 Width: 750
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=18348
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