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A Gas- and Dust-Rich Region of Orion

A Gas- and Dust-Rich Region of Orion
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Description: A Gas- and Dust-Rich Region of Orion
(a) This color-coded radio map of a large section of the sky shows the extent of giant molecular clouds in Orion and Monoceros as seen in the
radio part of the spectrum. The intensity of carbon monoxide (CO) emission is displayed by colors in the order of the rainbow, from violet for the weakest to
red for the strongest. Black indicates no detectable emission. The locations of four prominent star-forming nebulae are indicated on the star chart overlay. Note
that the Orion and Horsehead nebulae are sites of intense CO emission, indicating that stars are forming in these regions
Picture Stats:
Views: 618
Filesize: 238.9kB
Height: 900 Width: 820
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=18406
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